The most difficult mission
Almost the impossible
That in the past Aztecs` empire
To change the Indians` beliefs
That is not a work missionary`
That is God`s Intervention
That is a beautiful bouquet of roses
From Tepeyac mountain
Juan Metys put these
In your clothes from cactus`s
How it is possible that
Roses were painted the picture???
The great scientists and scholars surprised
The homely people surprised
How to possible that
To erect a ground cathedral in the mountains
The arms John`s Metys
Who was a unusually surname
10 million Aztec` asked for
Christening in Mexico
Freemasons and trocists were unable to do
New Wandea in Mexico
The rustic Christians insurrection
The faith lived on in Mexico
Were governed almost by hundred years
By the people distanced from faith
The Mexicans privately to this day
Are very religious
The first visit in Mexico
By John Paul Great
Mexico was exactly destination
The all world surprised “Why?”
Near the end of a pontificate
John Paul again in Guadeloupe
Canonized Juan`s Diego
The Cristeros were beatified
Peter met old Jesuit`s
In Mallorca
Who spent the many years`
In Latin America
The aged man could to chat
Inspired to the missions
The most however Peter Clever
Took the Negros` fate to heart
Broke his studies in Spain
Graduated in Cartagena
There was the most slaves`
Trade from Africa
Somebody attributed him the very thousand
Somebody said about the very million
Peter Clever preached Jesus` them
Jacobin Bartolome`
Was buried in Madrid
Became famous for important book
About slaves` fate
I saw this convent from Madrid
I heard of a writer`s story
He got under many of people skin
Eyes many of people opened
Mulat Jacobin
Great barber and pious man
By the way economist
Cook hair-dresser and doctor
Then was famine in Lima
The Brothers were afraid because
Martin again and again gave bread away
But still the locker was full
As in Sarepta and as in Lima
At the Fathers Jacobins
The only place where bread`s
Still was plenty
He fed not only the people
The bowl stood also to the mice
Martin not fought with them
Gave food to the cats and the dogs
Rosa not lived too long
In your cell in the parents` garden
Sewed without stopping
Beauty suits for well-off misses`
She had enthusiasm to that`s
Not lacked her talent`s
For your earnings
She bought many Negros`
Together with Martin`s Pores
Gave them instructions
Taught them catechism
Got ready them to christening
She was average pious woman
Dreamed about monastery
Parents not to agree for that
She was imprisoned yourself in the garden
Junipero loved
The Californian missions
30 towns established
Named Saints` names
When you look on the state`s map
Reading the towns` names
As it as you said the Litany
Those to the All Saints`
San Jose San Antonio
Santa Cruz San Francisco
Los Angeles is the most famous
And not too much saint Hollywood
Elisabeth Setton richly
Lived with her husband
They were curiosity
The Catholic Church
When husband died their business
Was not of the best state
Still widow could afford
To establish convent
After your conversion
Dedicated yourself to one matter
That was in America
A lot of Catholic school
Woman of a big business
The great convert
“The first Lady” Church`s
In the North America
The suburbia of Philadelphia
One German family
Did not have a offspring
Only the girl dwarf
The all these estates
With the very many Negros
As inheritance legacy
Was gave to girl, Catholic religious
Your hobby the prayer
Visited the Vatican
Asked the Pope
For to send some convent
To Philadelphia to her city
That to serve to people of a different color
Negros and Indians
She very wanted to help them
The Pope encouraged her
A very simple advice
“There is no such monastery
But you set it up”
I was in this estate
I saw the dwarf`s grave
To this day there are prayed
A large crowd of Negros and Indians
The one cut the fingers
A long time did not celebrated
When he received a dispensation
Again came back to Indians
The second cut your head
Tomahawk without regret
The first throttled in water
Took scalp from both
Huroni from Great Lakes
Not stood on ceremony
The Canadian Priests
Treated strictly
When both died
The tribe after all reversed a custom
In the family chief`s Huronie
Grew Kati Tekwita
40 years beyond the Arctic Circle
Among the Eskimos
Llorente was on duty
Spanish Jesuit
In Seattle at home for aged men
For the retired Priests`
Llorente was behaved peculiarly
Forgot the English langue
He was neglected not got washed
Behaved very strangely at the table
The martyrdom the Arctic`s missions
Unfortunately was making that
Segundo also made his work
Eskimos in Alaska
Were took Catholicism
Is living on the memory about “Grandfather Llorente”
Catherine countess
The emigrant from Russia
For a short time stayed put in the Netherlands
In Canada she lived to old age
Her life was a stormy
The waitress and the journalist
The clever countess
Invested for a Church
The best as she could
Visited slums
The Madonna`s Apostolate
And desert little cottages in the woods
The “desert” – fast and prayer
It is the inheritance from her
In desert the bread and the Bible
The most of simple retreat
Walter was a daredevil
Loved ancestor`s homeland
When somebody said badly about Poland
Walter invited him to box
He is the most famous emigrant
From Polish Diaspora in Chicago
Came back to your homeland
To Jesuits on study
He went as volunteer
To preach Jesus` in Siberia
Beyond the Arctic Circle in Dudinka
Spent almost 20 years
When he came back to America
Hardly anyone remembered him
Reminded about yourself to the all
Wrote the beautiful recollections
Laura your life gave for your mum
As on a fiery altar
On day you’re the First Communion
In belief that
God took sacrifice
A little child felt it
The cohabitation`s sin
Tired this young soul
She wanted that mum also
Was going together to Communion
When mum refused her
The child wanted to die
“How many yet?” – I ask
Children would must to die
On stupid world
So that their parents were wiser
So, after Laura`s death
All was changed
Mother came back to husband
Lover left their home
John Paul reprimanded Romero`s
Despite of that liked him so much
When visited Salvador
Prayed at his grave
The both loved scholarship`s
The both gave the lectures
Now they chatted at heaven
About the theology
The Pope Francisco is for
That it condemned Wojtyła
The liberation`s theology?
Still up-to -date theme