The press rises of Martin Luther
To heaven for his services
Which he had for the Reformation
The 500th anniversary
Let`s also say about blips
The list is quite long, unfortunately
Broke vow of celibacy
He liked to feast – drink
A new religion, denomination
Father Luther didn`t plan
Beautifully translated the Bible
But for shortcuts 3 years
Wrote many hymns
Talent can`t be denied
But the Sacraments he threw out
The priesthood, the Eucharist …
The Holy Mass is for Luther a reminder
There is no “real presence”
So in the Lutheran churches
Uncomfortable a Catholic feels
Mr. Russel – Jew from America
Sold grain in Europe
He built on the famous Brooklyn
“The Watch Tower”
He had enough money to print
The Bible as his hobby:
Instead of Sabbat, Adonai
Everywhere is to be – JEHOVA
He also trained the “Elders”
They have seized their disciples
They hypnotize the whole world
Like a mantra they hum their mistakes
They don`t have the Eucharist
There is neither the Trinity nor the Cross
The greatest enemy of these people
Are: the Pope and the Vatican
Rome they call Babylon
They paint a swastica on Mitra
They don`t like schools, education
Hospitals and especially transfusions …
The Adventists still worship the Shabbat
As if there was no the Resurrection
Outrageous this sclerosis
Or unconscious ignorance
Mr. William Miller has found a way
To quickly fill his pocket
Those who will pay the Tithe
Jesus was to come very soon
In 1843
Five times William the date changed
From his fellow believers still was running away
United States are great, so itinerant
Preachers are popular
When he lost the congregation in one State
He looked for gullible in a another State
He lived 16 years in this way
Jesus didn`t come though they waited
Similar to these promises
Did to us Helena White
I saw post-Soviet Baptists
They suffered from communism
Women sit in prayer
Like the Orthodox in big scares
Some are struggling with lipsticks
Pants for women is it taboo
Summer shirts are forbidden
You have to cover everything completely
With panic these people are afraid
Of everyone, including the Catholics
They usually have three sermons
And preachers have several
Their schools or seminaries
Don`t last long, because it is enough
That the young pastor as many as possible
Quotes from the Bible to memorize
Songbooks are as thick as the Bible
Hymns for Christmas
Paschal songs, of Harvest
They also know “Everything for You”
Mormon had banks and takes
He didn`t like paying, so ran
From one State to another
Until to the state Iowa finally arrived
Iowa is full of Mormons
Every now and then there are scandals there
Numerous marriages among minors
Polygamy, harassment
In the US many “is wounded”
You can marry even a goat
One still not go out:
Defend conceived from abortion
Meanwhile Mormon created a book
On behalf of the Indian “Siuks”
The cult of ancestors and the fear of ghost
He used in 100%
Named your sect Pastor Mormon
“Latter –Day Christians”
And really feels there
Like has already come the end of the world
Catherine is for me a model
Of persistence and intelligence
In the merchant`s family in Siena
Were over 20 children
Even so Catherine`s parents
Didn`t want to give to God
This girl – because she too beautiful
Seemed for the monastery …
To remove this argument
Catherine bathed in boiling water
On her wounds she poured pepper and salt
And finally she went to the convent
There she took up an important matter
Wrote letters to the Popes
Two lived in the Vatican
In France lived the third Pope …
Although women are accused
Of “failing” in politics
Catherine effectively solved
The biggest “Vatican Crisis”
I have been since my childhood formed
From the “misfires” of Second War
The rest was made by the Martial Law
The fatal convulsions of the post – Communism
My parents were also lost
Fortunately, there were “good priests”
Sometimes pretty cool teachers at school
Books, monuments and films …
However, the most helped the Pope
He straightened our spine
He raised Catholics from their knees
He restored dignity and piety
I don`t have pro – Moscow tendencies
I`m also skeptical about the West
The Pope showed THE THIRD WAY
This is the mission for the Poles
Raise from the fall many countries
Who were kneeing on their knees
Now they “pray to the dollar”
“A beautiful rosary and lace”
The “charismatic” spoke to the brothers
But this “is not our tradition”
Said “glamorous” priest from “renewal”
I think that new fascinations
Prayer in “magical languages”
A rest in spirit, applause
Maybe it`s a “nice experiment”
For very emotional people
There are also conservatives
Who it tires – even hurts
Let`s not ridicule lace
Let us carry a rosary with us
This is a Catholic tradition
Better than Luther and Calvin …
Faustyna is remembering, Gentlemen
These great Messages above the word
The Lord God “allowed to happen” and the Pope
Edyta`s mother was a widow
Her husband left seven children
Left also a carpentry workshop
On the head of a weak woman
The widow rolled your sleeves
The workshop has developed, hasn`t fallen
So they lived in Wroclaw
Edyta graduated there
Will she took over after your mother
She soon became a lecturer
Being at friends on vacation
She soon saw the book “FORTRESS”
The Philosopher can`t break away
From this reading
So she dashes to the parish priest
To ask suddenly to be christened
Then was a convent and a camp
Death among loved ones
After Saint Jadwiga she is the greatest
Saint from Silesia from HOLOCAUST
Franciszek Gajowniczek was crying
I have a beautiful wife, I`m young
I left small children
This cry has heard God in Heaven
God inspired the valiant Father Kolbe
To come forward in front of the row
Look at the face of the “haughty German”
The fascist`s heart suddenly softened
He gave life to Franciszek
He took life from several other prisoners
Including Maksymilian Kolbe
This case is known, I will just add
That in “the death cell” no one has heard
Tears or curses or swear-words
There lasted confession and prayer
Franciszek returned to family
To a beautiful wife, small children
And about this “haughty heart” of the German
He talked story and how it softened
On “the Polish throne” died a witch
Though Russia calls her “great”
Catherine destroyed our country
Her throne placed in the toilet
“King Staś” was the witch`s favorite
Without strength, will, eccentric
Today in the European Union
We had a collection of such “favorites”
They bargain Poland seriously
They are flirting “right and left”
With Moscow, Brussels and Washington
Only a few “In Poland believe”
John Paul the Great has advised us
To look for some “Third Way”
Communism was in disgrace
We are fed by low liberalism
The throne of Poland and the crown
King Jan Kazimierz gave to the Madonna
President Duda and the Bishops
Gave the crown to Jesus
King Bolesław was “very Generous”
But he killed Stanisław
He did penance somewhere in Osjak
It`s worth knowing because it`s true
Kościuszko, unfortunately, was a freemason
It`s worth recalling solemnly
He exterminated the Bishops without mercy
Had a pretext for it – Targowica
Nobody will take away much merit
The crown from head will not fall
The Mound from Kraków will not leave
However, let`s tell people the truth
Piłsudski moved to Calvinists
Had a reason for it – he divorced
The bell tower will not break
But let`s say the sad truth
In our history were many
Who are waiting for the ?
Pleiad “traitors like Bolek”
Confidential agents of communist Poland
Wanda didn`t want to marry the German
Jadwiga from Silesia was German
Our Mieszko was a polygamist
Dubrawka has replaced all of them …
Kazimierz Wielki had a mistress
For her he built a residence
Jagiełło had pious wives
But he still believed in superstitions
King Zygmunt spent time in Lithuania
He was in mourning for Barbara
Sobieski loved Marysieńka
Saxons have loved their Dresden
Batory sent his wife “to the countryside”
Mniszkówna lived in Moscow
Princess Grudzińska and Walewska
Famous also is Emilia Plater
We had many holy women
Were scholars and beautiful
But no one can match the Queen
The One from Jasna Góra and The One “Shines from Heaven”
Pułaski lay somewhere under the bridge
Died young, apparently he was bleeding heavily
He now has a bridge in the great New York
A bridge which folds up and unfolds
Kościuszko has a bridge in Brooklyn
We are very proud of this
That our” two Generals”
Gave to the Yankees Independence
Surprises us and annoys
That this tribute does not help
Promote Poland in America
Just as Israel is promoted
I don`t envy the Jews
I feel compassion and support
I still feel grudge for my homeland
That so she is abused today by the world
Supposedly ten million living there
In the queue are still many wait
So that the Yankees would abolish our visas
By memory of Pułaski`s death
They liked Modrzejewska in the States
The actor Valentino was famous
Paderewski gave concerts
Frank Sinatra starred in movies
Supposedly Al Capone had in his ranks
Thugs from Poland
Gołota bravely fought in the States
Though in Poland got a sentence for something
Czesław Miłosz lived in the States
Rostenkowski was active in Chicago
In Philadelphia was Krol – Cardinal
In Hollywood was Mr. Polański
Ended his life Marek Hłasko
Komeda wrote music there
Died famous Poświatowska
There are priests from Poland, nuns
Lived in Chicago Servant of God
Famous for the whole of America
Who lived 20 years in Russia
For punishment – He is Walter Ciszek
Our Copernicus was a monk
Uncle and Piotr Skarga were a Bible scholars
Włodkowic and Cardinal Hozjusz
Krasicki wrote beautiful poems
The famous Jesuit scientist
Hugo Kołłątaj and Staszic
There were many wise priests
But their merit is for nothing
Such hypocritical textbooks
The Commune printed us
And is it clear that the priest
Was also Mendel and Newton
About the last one I read
That he was a wealthy businessman
He sold Africans to Americans
But he changed
He created many church hymns
And the theory of gravity
Each of us makes mistakes in life
God is slowly converting us
Czaadajew is a strange name
Known only is narrow circles
Miłosz remembers a few times
I also want to honor him with respect
He was a philosopher and a Catholic
And a friend of the Decembrists
It`s very possible that they knew each
Other with our Adam Mickiewicz
For his dislike of tsarism
For his criticism of the Orthodox Church
This man got a life imprisonment
With simple diagnosis:”PSYCHOPATH”
This is how the opposition for centuries
In Russia was beautifully treated
If you don`t love power in the country
Then you are probably mentally ill
The flower of our chiefs and poets
Visited Siberia for punishment
Or like Mickiewicz near Odessa
Or in Kazakhstan like Broniewski
The hussars from Żółkiewski were the first
Who their bones were laid under Tobolsk
Belonging to the AK and other were cursed
Laid bones in Kamchatka
But the most of the bones lies
In the Smoleńsk forests, Katyń village
In Starobielsk in Ukraine
And near Kharkiv in Piatichatki
General Haller the most famous
Doctors and engineers
Polices and many foresters
Priests and professors
Blessed Bukowiński
Is buried in Karaganda
Saint Rafał Kalinowski
Is the patron of all Exiles of Siberia
Copernicus was an Augustian
It means from a Canonical order
They are regular Canons
In the famous Krakow and in Ełk
Copernicus`s Uncle Bishop Łukasz
Ruled the diocese in Frombork
The Uncle`s name was Watzenrode
They probably talked in German
Szopen`s grandfather lived in Alsace
It`s like France – not really
The German dialect reigns there
“Frycek”`s ancestors used this
Wincenty Pol became a Pole
Although he was from an Austrian family
Kętrzyński was a German in his childhood
Was also him Gustaw Ehrenberg
Tuwim I Leśmian beautiful poems
Altgough they Jews but wrote in Polish
Brandstaetter was a beautiful man
An even more beautiful was Janusz Korczak
Father Zych, Niedzielak, Suchowolec
In three different cities worked
Each of them died like a martyr
Standing on the guard of a great matter
They had the courage to preach the truth
When others were closed their mouths
Zych was liked on the Coast
Niedzielak was famous in Warsaw
Father Suchowolec small in height
Was poisoned in Białystok
Someone then simulated a fire
Someone else wiped off the tracks
It was 1989
The time when Kiszczak in “Magdalenka”
Bargained for cash and proceeds
With “powdered opposition”
Why then during this session
Polish priests still were destroyed
Who at this time could have disturbed
Father Suchowolec, Zych, Niedzielak???
Mrs. Marianna Popiełuszko
Lived for 95 years
She was thin as a chip – cried
A lot of tears for her son
Sometimes came to the village
Trips and journalists
Although she famous, lived in poverty
For the rest of her life in a humble cottage
She became a symbol of contempt
What had for her son
Heroes of post – Communism
Who live in abundance
Urban who never apologized
Or Michnik “the great beneficiary”
Agreement which Kiszczak created
Over the Father Jerzy`s grave
A horde of murderers and mockers
Are prevailing, not was judged
Father Jurek is falling over in the grave
He didn`t win the evil – He was TOO GOOD
When Mahatma was once asked
About the origin of the invention
Great Britain lost in it
Gandhi admitted that his wife
Modest countrywoman taught him
That he would ask for anything
Sooner or later will receive this
She didn`t use arguments
Didn`t use force either
Meaningfully and persistently in silence
She got everything from her husband
She wasn`t beautiful or smart
Simply she had a strong will
My guess is that faith too played
A part in her life
In Poland also without a shot
Was a revolution in the city of Gdańsk
All shipyard workers were
She is the secondary
But a real hero
Of what was happening during this time
In my homely and on the coast
She could tell the truth in the eyes
Also she knew the truth about Wałęsa
The rest of the country knew
When our Premier Olszewski left
He wanted to defend our property
To ban the agents from the trough
But it was the most difficult
“In pains of child birth” continues to this day
The children of the Solidarity times
Like me, have grown very old
God has given us the grace of patience
To see better times